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    to measure

measure [meʒә(r)]

    n.尺寸,量度器,量度标準,方法,测量,措施 vt.测量,测度,估量,分派,权衡,调节 vi.量


1977年的维尼纶产量是1971年的二十倍。The output of vinylon for1977was20times over that for1971.1978年自然年度进口的原棉当量为一百八十万包。The raw cotton equivalent of imported textiles was1.8million bales in calendar1978.1986年:旅游——世界和平的重要力量。Tourism: a vital force for world peace.1993年bennett等人提出了传输单粒子未知量子态的方案。In1993 bennett et al proposed a scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state of one-particle.1997年,中国海洋捕捞总产量1385。4万吨。In1997the total output of china's ocean fishing industry came to13.854million tons.⑸生的纤维间隔一般较薄,而且比较均匀,其中有少量淋巴细胞及单核细胞等浸润。Fibrous septa was thin and even which less lymphocytes and monocytes infiltrated.--货币发行量1500亿元;--Total volume of currency to be issued should be150billion yuan;货币发行量1500亿元。Total volume of currency to be issued should be 150-billion yuan.-软碳钢或低碳钢:含碳量达0。3%的钢材。Mild or low carbon steels: are those containing up to0.3percent of carbon.

