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赶出的英文翻译 赶出英文怎幺说 赶出的英文例句




    to drive away

drive [draiv]

    n.驾车,驱动器,快车道,推进力,驱使,动力,干劲,击球 vt.开车,驱赶,推动、发动(机器等),驾驶(马车,汽车等) vi.开车,猛击,飞跑 n.[计]驱动器

away [ә'wei]



今天我被赶出来了。I was thrown out today.如果首领不喜欢他们,就可以随便地把他们赶出去。The chief can turf them out unceremoniously if he takes a dislike to them.室井先生被赶出警视厅也是副总监的意思吗?You're a fed on loan to metro.whose side are you on?他把那恶棍赶出门外。He turned the rascal out of doors.他们把他强行赶出病房。They hustled him out of the sickroom.他一年赶出三部小说。He knocks off three novels a year.我被赶出了那个转租给我房子I'm being kicked out of my sublet.至于外人有神审判他们。你们应当把那恶人从你们中间赶出去。But them that are without god judgeth.therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.


从...处赶出 oust from

从...赶出 flush from

把...赶出 chuck out of

把...赶出...地方 chase out of

把隐藏处赶出 draw a cover; draw a covert; drawn a cover; drawn a covert; drew a cover; drew a covert

烧火把...赶出 burnt out

用强烈的臭味赶出 stink out; stunk out

被赶出 boot out

赶出 drown out; repulse from; send away; thrust out; turf out

