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乾草的英文翻译 乾草英文怎幺说 乾草的英文例句





hay [hei]



可用作乾草,放牧或铺草坪。“For hay pasturage and lawns. ''裸蕨目的一种植物;一种稀树干草原植物。Any plant of the order psilophytales: a savannah plant.你说什幺?让我们把你放在睡衣里,在铺上一些乾草?What do you say we get you in your pj's and hit the hay?年轻的女婿收集柔软的乾草为二老在地板上铺了一张床。The young husband gathered soft straw and made a bed on the floor for the old parents.所以我拿了乾草叉,扎进了它的脖子。So I took the pitchfork and shoved it in its neck.他把乾草叉上大车。He pitchforked the hay into the wagon.她身上的衣服就像被扔在乾草叉上。She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork.喜欢新割下的乾草的气味。I love the smellof new-mown hay.在战斗中对……突然发动猛烈的进攻;他看见jess拿着乾草叉向他猛攻过来。To make a rush at or sudden attack upon as in battle: he saw jess charging at him with a pitchfork..


乾草切碎机 hay chopper

乾草叉 hay fork

干草垛温度感测器 haystack temperature probe

乾草堆垛机 hay cocker

乾草带编织机 hay band braider

乾草摊晒机 tedder

乾草收穫机 hay harvester

乾草翻晒机 hay tedder

干草药 dried herbs

干草菇 dried agaric mushroom straw mushroom,dried

乾草装载机 hay-loader

乾草输送器 mow conveyer

乾草运输拖车 hay carrier

摆动式装乾草机 oscillating-bar hay loader oscillating hay loader

捆乾草机 binding apparatus for hay

