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恋爱的英文翻译 恋爱英文怎幺说 恋爱的英文例句




    (romantic) love
    in love
    to have an affair

romantic [rә'mæntik]


love [lʌv]

    n.爱,热爱,爱情,爱好,性爱,情人,零 vt.爱,热爱,爱好,爱慕 vi.爱


恋爱,繁殖!连你们的黄金也生出了小黄金。Ton or fait aussi des petits.race of abel love pullulate! Even your gold has progeny.恋爱其实是一种严重的精神病。Love is actually a serious mental disorder.你能和只猩猩在里面谈恋爱You could fall in love with an orangutan in that.倾听是恋爱关係的基础Listening is the foundation of a relationship.如果说女人是水,那幺多次恋爱的女人就是洗脚水。The ones who have fallen in love time after time are footbath water.如果说女人是水,那幺恋爱太多次的女人就成了洗脚水。If women are clean water the ones who have fallen in love time after time are footbath water.是描写一个年轻的美国艺术家和一个法国女店员恋爱的事。And it was about a young american artist who falls in love with a french shopgirl.他们谈恋爱的时候,他不善于表达他的情感。He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together.他有生之年曾追悔他早年的恋爱。He lived to repent his early love.我们为何不主张中学生过早地恋爱呢?Why do we not advocate students prematurely love?像你这样的海鞘怎幺还会有人和你谈恋爱How come a spineless sea squirt like you has a date在自作多情的绝望之中,他写下了一部交响曲来记述他那一段恋爱故事。In romantic despair he wrote a symphony telling the tale of his love.


同...谈恋爱 walk out with

恋爱 gone together

恋爱中 in love

恋爱受挫 cross in love

