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赶不上的英文翻译 赶不上英文怎幺说 赶不上的英文例句




    can't keep up with
    can't catch up with
    cannot overtake

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

catch [kætʃ]

    n.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩 v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病) vi.抓住,燃着


你要是赶不上这趟火车, 一小时后还有一趟。If you miss the train there's another an hour later.要不是报纸,我们都赶不上时代了。Without newspaper, we would get behind the times.要是赶不上看这部电影的正片就太可惜了。It will be a pity to miss the main film.如果我赶不上火车,那也没关係。It doesn't matter if I miss my train.我要赶不上火车了,所以得跑着去。I was late for the train so I had to run.如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。If I don't go now, I will miss the train.快一点,要不然就赶不上第一班火车了。Make haste, or you'll miss the first train.工人的收入赶不上通货膨胀。Workers' incomes are not keeping up with inflation.我看我赶不上末班车了。I do not reckon I can catch the last bus.别费劲去追赶那辆公共汽车了,你怎幺也赶不上的。Don't bother running after the bus, you'll never catch it.要不然我们就赶不上晒乾草的季节了。We shall be belated as to the haymaking up our way.我们差一点就赶不上渡船。We caught the ferry but it was a narrow squeak.


赶不上 fall astern; in arrear of

赶不上需要 gotten behind

