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肝油的英文翻译 肝油英文怎幺说 肝油的英文例句



[gān yóu]

    liver oil;cod liver oil

liver [livә(r)]


oil [ɔil]

    n.油,石油,油类 vt.给(机器等)加油,上油,涂油

cod [kɔd]

    n.鳕 cash on delivery [商]货到付款 COD(Cash on Delivery)


次等的鱼肝油,用于制革。An inferior cod-liver oil that is used in leather manufacturing.结论浓缩鱼肝油滴剂加红霉素可促进溃疡癒合。Conclusions concentrated cod-liver oil gutta and erythromycin can promote the ulcer to heal.目的:建立複方氯霉素鱼肝油搽剂中氯霉素的含量测定方法。Objective: to determine chloramphenicol content of compound c hloramphenicol cod liver oil liniment.鱼肝油:从大西洋鳕鱼及其它近缘鱼种的肚髒中取得的淡黄色脂肪油。Cod-liver oil: oil obtained primarily from the liver of the atlantic cod and related fish.鱼肝油对眼的健康好。Cod-liver oil is good for eye.鱼肝油富含维生素a和d。Cod-liver oil is rich in vitarains a and d.


乌贼肝油 cuttlefish liver oil

乳白鱼肝油 fish liver oil,emulsion

人参乳白鱼肝油 milky white cod-liver oil of ginseng

果汁鱼肝油 fruit juice fish liver oil

橙汁鱼肝油 orange juice fish liver oil

比目鱼肝油 haliver oil

比目鱼肝油胶囊 halibut liver oil capsule

浓缩鱼肝油 fish liver oil,concentrate

浓缩鱼肝油丸 fish liver oil capsule,strong

浓鱼肝油 cleum jecoris piscis concentratum

肝油 liver oil

肝油丸 lextron

蛋形鱼肝油丸 fish liver oil capsule,oval

鱼肝油 fish oil

鱼肝油丸 fish liver oil capsule

鱼肝油酸钠 sodium morrhuate

鲨鱼肝油 shark-liver oil

鳕肝油 coalfish oil

麦芽精鱼肝油 cod liver oil with malt extract

