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乾酪的英文翻译 乾酪英文怎幺说 乾酪的英文例句



[gàn lào]


cheese [tʃi:z]



他们不说“四分之一磅乾酪”?They don't call it a quarter-pounder with cheese?他们只给了我们少得可怜的一点点乾酪。They gave us a mingy amount of cheese.她从帕尔马乾酪上切下一些薄片做沙拉。She shaved off some slices of parmesan cheese for the salad.我吃了菠菜和乳清乾酪馅的义大利式小方饺。I ate ravioli stuffed with spinach and ricotta.我当时什幺也不吃,只吃“夸克”一种介乎优酪乳和农家鲜乾酪之间的东西。I was eating nothing but quark something between yoghurt and cottage cheese.我用一小块乾酪诱捕老鼠。I used a bit of cheese to trap the rat.一份草莓乾酪饼。A portion of strawberry cheesecake.怎幺说“四分之一磅乾酪”幺?A quarter-pounder with cheese in france?


乳脂乾酪 cream cheese junket

全脂乳乾酪 whole milk cheese

吉夫乾酪 chevres

吉夫乾酪 chevres

奶油乾酪 cream cheese

巴马乾酪 parmesan cheese

巴马乾酪 parmesan cheese

乾酪 cheese

乾酪包布 butter cloth cheese cloth

乾酪性鼻炎 caseous rhinitis

乾酪性鼻窦炎 caseous sinusitis

乾酪机 cheese machine

乾酪条 cheese stick

乾酪样坏死 caseous necrosis, cheesy necrosis

乾酪样肺炎 caseous pneumonia

乾酪根 kerogen

乾酪根类型鑒定 kerogen type identification

乾酪根降解数学模拟法 mathematic simulation method of kerogen degradation

乾酪根降解论 kerogen degradation theory

乾酪梳打饼乾 cheese soda cracker

乾酪盆 cheese tray

乾酪盘 cheese plate

乾酪粉 cheese powder

乾酪素氨胶 casein-ammonia adhesive

乾酪素琼脂 casein agar

乾酪素胶 casein adhesive

乾酪胶 casein glue

乾酪饼乾 cheese biscuit

混合型乾酪根 mixed-type kerogen, Ⅱ-type kerogen又称"Ⅱ型乾酪根"。

爱达姆乾酪 edam cheese

