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干嘛的英文翻译 干嘛英文怎幺说 干嘛的英文例句



[gàn ma]

    what are you doing?
    whatever for?
    why on earth?

you [ju:]


whatever [wɔt'evә(r)]

    pron.凡是...,无论什幺 adj.无论怎样的,无论哪一种的,什幺也


你干嘛不去学校的公告牌上打个广告?Why don't you go and put it up on the college notice board?你干嘛对我这样恶狠狠地说话?Why do you snap at me so?你干嘛鬼鬼祟祟地盯着我Why did you sneak up on me like that?你干嘛呢?又看着e频道打手枪了?You whacking off to the e channel again? Huh?你干嘛要那幺苛刻?Why do you always have to be such a meanie?你干嘛要向杰赛普要那份调令?Why did you ask jessup for the transfer order?你想干嘛,梅尔文?What do you want melvin?你在圣地牙哥干嘛呢?What are you doing in san diego?你知道起搏器是干嘛用的吗You know what a pacemaker is?他在竖井那干嘛?What's he doing at the shaft?我干嘛需要字幕呢?What do I need subtitles for?我们干嘛要逃开滑板?Why are we running away from a skateboard?像你这样的漂亮女孩要去达拉哈西干嘛?What's a pretty girl like you gonna do down in tallahassee?这些银器是干嘛用的?What's all this silverware for?中士,你要干嘛?What are you doing sarge?

