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链环的英文翻译 链环英文怎幺说 链环的英文例句



[liàn huán]

    chain link

chain [tʃein]

    n.链(条),[常 pl.] 镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt.用链条拴住

link [liŋk]

    n.链环,连结物,火把,连结 vt.连结,联合,挽 vi.连接起来


这两个链环套在一起。These two pieces of the chain hook together.他从链子上拆下一个链环。He detached a link from a chain.锅钩一种用链环和一个弯钩组成的壁炉装置,用来提升或放下水壶An arrangement of links and a hook in a fireplace for raising and lowering a kettle.不具有气井采气管线菊链环。There is no daisy chain of well flowlines.一种撞击式印表机,列印字头装载在转动链条的链环上。An impact printer in which the type slugs are carried by the links of a revolving chain.穿过链环将抓钩链环连接到起重机和滑动尼龙绳上。Connect grab link to hoist and slip nylon cord thru link.


加大链环 enlarged link

双挡链环 n. double bar link

双链环 doubly linked ring

可拆链环 detachable link

抓扣链环 grab link

拖带链环 towing connection

普通链环 n. common link

有档链环 stud link

有槽链环 n. slotted link

末端链环 end link

连接链环 joining link, connecting link

链环 link

链环交易 linked transaction

锚链环 chain link

