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概要的英文翻译 概要英文怎幺说 概要的英文例句





outline [autlain]

    n.大纲,轮廓,略图,外形,要点,概要 vt.描画轮廓,略述


对于那资讯包,他们有线上概要As for the information packets they have online synoptic...概要的;不完全的;粗略的Lacking thoroughness and detail; incomplete; rough容易的航海支持好概要。Easy navigation supports a good overview.太平洋岛屿託管领土情况概要;Outline of conditions in the trust territory of the pacific islands;我没能三加会议,你能告诉我会议的概要吗?I missed the meeting.can you give me the rundown?我没有看过前面几集,所有你得给我简单介绍一下剧情概要。I haven't seen any of the previous episodes so you'll have to give me a brief synopsis.我们大概要从僕人进出的入口进去Maybe we should have gone to the service entrance.衍生产品合约的内容及内在风险概要;The content of the derivatives contract and summary of the inherent risk; and;这当然是一个极其简略的概要。This is of course a highly simplified schema.


事故的概要报告 accident experience

公用概要报表 common summary report

写...的概要 made an outline of; make an outline of; maken an outline of; makes an outline of

判决理由概要 syllabus

协调制度归类意见概要 Compendium of Harmonized System Classification Opinions

历史概要 historical brief

广告目的概要 copy brief

搬运量概要 load summary

施工概要 general features of construction

概要 essentials; outline; summary

概要图 synoptic map

概要设计 preliminary design

计画概要 general plan

