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改用的英文翻译 改用英文怎幺说 改用的英文例句





use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值


但有一个好的理由一个攻击者可能篡改用户得到的报价。But there is a good reason-an attacker could tamper with the quotes users get.美国仍还没改用公制。The usa still hasn't gone over to the metric system.请改用架构更改複製。Use schema change replication instead.请改用仅支援複製。Use replication support only instead.他们过去用手进行脱粒,现在改用机器了。They used to do the threshing by hand but now there are machines to do it.我不同意未交货部分改用15型代替。I don't like the idea of substituting type no.15for the portion undelivered.我们决定在寒冷天气到来以后停用固体燃料,改用天然气。We're decided to convert from solid fuel to natural gas when the cold weather sets in.因此,史特劳斯改用一种质地较柔软的法国布料,叫做“尼姆制的斜纹布”,也就是后来所说的丹宁布。So strauss used a softer cotton cloth from france called serge de nimes which became known as denim.英国什幺时候开始改用公制的?When did the uk change over to the metric svstem?在ttl反及闸电路中,输出级改用集电极开路的一种反相器。In ttl nand circuit a phase inverter with its output circuit changed to an open collector.这家工厂已改用核燃料来代替煤了。The industry has switched from coal to nuclear fuel.


改用铁路装运 cross the railing

牌子-改用模型 brand-switching models

