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    to affix a seal (to sth)

affix [ә'fiks]

    vt.使附于,粘贴 n.[语]词缀

seal [si:l]

    n.封铅,封条,印,图章,密封 vt.封,密封 n.海豹,海豹毛皮


    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)


营业部盖章:经办人签字:覆核人签字:Signature of handler: signature of examiner: seal of securities operating departmenton:证实条款通常书面作成:××在场时由××签字、盖章和提供The attestation clause is usually written:'sign sealed and delivered by... in the presence of... '


在...上盖章 put their seal to; set their seal to

在...上签字盖章 sign and seal

文件上的盖章处 locus sigilli

无盖章协议 parol agreement

无盖章合同 parol contract

注记盖章 stamping tripod

由医疗机构盖章证明的 certified by a medical establishment

盖章 affix a seal; seal; stamp

盖章人 sealer; stamper

盖章作证的重量规格 certified list of weighings

盖章的空白合同书 blank specialty

税务盖章 revenue stamp; tax stamp

签名盖章 signed and sealed SS)

签名盖章使契据生效 execute a deed

签字盖章 sign and seal; putone''s signature and sign on; signature and seal

签署,签字盖章 affix; sign

须签名盖章的期票 note to order

验收盖章 acceptance stamp

