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改动的英文翻译 改动英文怎幺说 改动的英文例句




    to alter
    to modify
    to revise

alter [ɔ:ltә(r)]


modify [mɔdifai]

    vt.更改,修改 v.修改


我坚决反对我们的时间表作任何改动。I shall set y face against any alteration in our time table.当然,寻常的柚子脆麵包片作了一下改动,我确信。Well it is a change of the usual grapefruit and melba toast I'm sure.利用电脑的直观显示部件,便可以在萤幕上作文字改动。Using a vdu you can change the text on screen.诺曼第第九关地图改动。Map changes to normandy m09.如果铁厂想要在这类对局中占得上风,那幺很明显,它的备牌需要改动,甚至猪排的配置得改变一下。The sideboard clearly has to be reworked to win this matchup maybe even the maindeck to some extent.是我对你心理的小小改动,My iittle contribution to your psychological profile.下面仅说明911gt3有关的改动:The following only describes the changes with respect to the911gt3:新提议需要作些改动。The new proposals need some modification.只是稍微改动一下计画表Just making a few changes to the schedule.


不能改动 impossibility of introducing changes

修改动议 motion for amendment; motion for modification

可改动的 alterable

工程计画中的改动 changes in the program of works

把工程计画中的改动通知某人 inform sb. about the changes in the program of works

擅自改动产品 subsequent alteration

改动方案 alteration of project; alternation of project

改动的后果 consequences of introducing changes

没有改动 absence of changes; absence of alterations

