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改编的英文翻译 改编英文怎幺说 改编的英文例句




    to adapt
    to rearrange
    to revise

adapt [ә'dæpt]


rearrange [ri:ә'reindʒ]



我把“伏尔加河船夫曲”改编成了管弦乐曲。I orchestrated the'song of the volga boatmen '.小说《法国中尉的女人》有一部由哈乐德•品特改编的电影剧本。The french lieutenant's woman'has a screenplay by harold pinter.以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。A trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.由这个舞台剧改编成的电视剧很成功。The television adaptation of the stage play was very successful.约翰•莫蒂默正把沃的小说改编为电视剧。John mortimer is adapting the waugh novel for television讚美诗音乐改编创作和改编讚美诗用于歌唱The composition or arranging of psalms for singing.这部歌剧主要根据当地音乐改编。The opera was mainly adapted from local music.这个故事迄今尚未改编成电影。The story as yet is unscreened.


为...改编 adapt for; be adapted for

为...而改编 adapted for

将...改编成 dramatize for

把...改编为...乐器乐曲 score for

收益表改编 restatement of income statement

改编 adapt; rearrange; revise; adaptation; rearrangement; revision

改编乐曲 arrangement of music

改编作品 adapted works; adaptation; rearranged works

改编后资产负债表 balance sheet restated

改编权 right of adaptation

改编留存收益 restated retained earnings

改编者 adapter; adaptor; reviser; revisor

文件改编 file reorganization

牵出线改编能力 resorting capacity of lead track

由...改编而来 adapt from

电影改编 cinematographic adaptation

着作改编权纠纷案 controversy over the right to adapt a work

资产负债表改编 restatement of balance sheet

