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盖印的英文翻译 盖印英文怎幺说 盖印的英文例句



[gài yìn]

    to affix a seal

affix [ә'fiks]

    vt.使附于,粘贴 n.[语]词缀

seal [si:l]

    n.封铅,封条,印,图章,密封 vt.封,密封 n.海豹,海豹毛皮


协定口头或书面未经盖印的协议或许诺;协定An agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal; a contract.你的护照盖印了吗?Have you got any stamps in your passport?盖印合同一种正式的盖印的协议或合同A formal sealed agreement or contract.附带条件委付盖印契约帐号是匮颽税捐及保险支付所需要的。Escrow accounts for property taxes and insurance payments are required.如此全部关键性的附带条件委付盖印契约辩论是一个有对它的一种政治上的元素大争议。So this whole key escrow debate is a big issue that has a political element to it.如果需要新月形或者特别盖印,请接触有关商标设计部门。For crescent or special imprinting contact logo express.我回到银行就去盖印At the bank l stamped the arrival book.选民盖印选票的时间只有5分钟。A voter is only allowed five minutes to mark his ballot.在网上递交加盖印花申请后,可否以电子方式缴交印花税?Can I pay stamp duty electronically after submitting a stamping application online?


不盖印 not sealed; parol

加盖"邮资已付"的自动邮资盖印机 franking machine

合同的签署盖印 sealing of contract

在...上盖印 affix her seal to; affix his seal to; affix my seal to; affix our seals to; affix their seals to; affix your seals to

在文件上盖印 affix a seal to a document

盖印 imprint

盖印于 set the seal on

盖印债券 enfaced bond

盖印合同 contract under seal

盖印在...上 imprint on

盖印处 locus sigilli; L.S.

盖印契约债务 debt by specialty; specialty debt

盖印戳的货币 stamped money

盖印担保证书 warranty deed

罐盖印字机 lid printing machine

自动邮资盖印机 franking machine

