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礼帽的英文翻译 礼帽英文怎幺说 礼帽的英文例句



[lǐ mào]

    western-style man's hat

man [mæn]

    n.男人,人类,人,丈夫,雇工;vt.为...配备人手,操纵,在...就位,使振奋;Metropolitan Area Network 都会区网路

hat [hæt]

    n.帽子 vt.戴帽子


海狸皮大礼帽最初用这种齧齿类动物的内层绒毛製成的高帽A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent.将折叠好的大礼帽放在箱子里。Put the collapsed top hat into its box.据说大礼帽,黑上装和白硬领是体面人标誌。A silk hat a black coat and a hard white collar are said to be signs of respectability.深蓝色礼帽的难看色泽。The harsh gloss of the royal blue hat.他戴着高顶大礼帽,身穿燕尾服。He wore a top hat and tails.他的大礼帽里藏着一面小镜子。And the little mirror in his silk hat.新郎穿着一件晨礼服,戴着手套和高顶黑色大礼帽--全套婚礼服。The bridegroom was wearing a morning suit gloves top hat--the works.一个戴一顶灰色大礼帽的瘦小身影。A lean figure dressed in a grey top hat.一位带礼帽拿着手杖的法国绅士唱了些什幺结束了电影。A french gentleman in top hat and cane sang something which ended the picture.


圆顶硬礼帽 stiff hat

圆顶礼帽 bowler-hat

大礼帽 dress hat high hat silk hat tall hat top hat topper

大礼帽缎 stovepipe satin

常礼帽 bowler derby hat

折叠式大礼帽 opera hat

硬顶礼帽 pot hat

高顶硬礼帽 high silk hat

高顶礼帽 chimney-pot hat top hat

高项礼帽 silk hat

