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盖层的英文翻译 盖层英文怎幺说 盖层的英文例句



[gài céng]

    cap rock

cap [kæp]

    n.帽子,军帽,(瓶)帽,(笔)帽;vt.戴帽子,盖在...顶上;carrierless amplitude and phase,相幅载波

rock [rɔk]

    n.岩石,暗礁,石头,摇动 vt.摇摆,使动摇 vi.摇,摇动


7。石矿场内的覆盖层、工作面、倾卸场或筑堤整个或部分倒塌。"8.the Overturning of or a collision with any object by-"覆盖用覆盖层覆盖或包围To cover or surround with mulch.盖层发育广泛,区域性盖层是新近系海相泥岩和渐新统泥岩。The seal rocks are developed widely and the neocene marine mudstone is the regional seal.


不易燃的屋面覆盖层 non-flammable roof covering

保护性覆盖层 protective coating

加覆盖层 case with

化学转换覆盖层 chemical conversion coating

塑胶球覆盖层 ball blanket

覆盖层 luminizing

屋面覆盖层 roof covering

无覆盖层的 intectate

易燃屋面覆盖层 flammable roof covering

有机物覆盖层 organic coating

有机覆盖层 organic coating layer

楼面覆盖层 floor covering

水带覆盖层 hose casing

沉积盖层 sedimentary cover

泡沫覆盖层 blanket of foam; foam blanket

漠盖层 desert pavement

火焰覆盖层 flame sheath

盖层 tegmentum

盖层压力 overburden pressure

耐火盖层 fireproof lining

薄覆盖层 fine surface mulch

覆盖层 tectum

覆盖层-具穿孔的 tectate-perforate

覆盖层-无穿孔的 tectate-imperforate

覆盖层平面图 plan of the overburden

金属覆盖层 metal coating

防火覆盖层 fire lagging

阻燃屋面覆盖层 fire-retardant roof covering

预製屋面覆盖层 prepared roof covering

