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该的英文翻译 该英文怎幺说 该的英文例句



    ought to

should [ʃed]


ought [ɔ:t]

    aux.(~ to [verb] ) 应当,应该

probably [prɔbәb(ә)li]



1890年,最高法院也支持该法案。In1890the supreme court upheld it.1901年,伦琴由于发现x射线获得了诺贝尔物理学奖第一个获得该奖。For this work rontgen received the nobel prize in physics the first one in1901.


不去做该干的事 sit on one''s hands

不应该了解到 it should not be realized that

不该採纳证据 evidence improperly accepted

停止对该案提出证据 rest the case

受理该案法院的法律 the law of the court seized of the case

在发行国境外的该国货币 external currency

在应该做的时刻 at the right moment

在该情况下 in this case

应该 should; ought to

应该...了 due for

应该了解到 it be realized that; it can be realized that; it may be realized that; it must be realized that; it should be realized that; it will be realized that; it would be realized that

应该徵税 be liable to a tax

应该报告的火灾 reportable fire

应该是 be supposed to be

应该有 there should be

拨入该帐户 channelled into the accountCF)

根据法院判决银行才能提供的该行客户帐户情况 bank disclosure

正该...的时候 high time to

活该 have it coming; serve right

立该开始干 go to it

认为应该 have the grace to

该 have need to; that same; these same; this same; those same

该...的时候了 it is high time to

该付的 owing

该受谴责 bear the blame

该受责备 be to blame

该地区地形和地质 topographic and geological survey of the area

该地区地震活动性 seismicity of the region

该是时候了 it is time

该死 go to hell

