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[lì jī]


niche [nitʃ]



利基向注视着它的人类摇晃着树枝,渴望被人们关注。Eager for attention leakey likes to greet human observers by shaking tree branches.这项研究是由一个设在纽约的名为共“公共福利基金”的私人健康政策基金资助的。The research was backed by the commonwealth fund a private new york-based health policy foundation.经济困难的家庭可获得福利基金的经济支持。Hard up families may receive financial support from the welfare fund.南极假日游是一个利基市场。Holiday in the antarctic is a niche market.先令,奥地利基本货币单位。Schilling: a basic unit of currency in austria.


中国残疾人福利基金会 China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped

互利基础 mutually beneficial basis

保健和福利基金 health and welfare funds

保键和福利基金 health and welfare funds

员工福利基金 employee benefit fund

奖励及福利基金 bonus and welfare fund

套利基金 hedge fund

套利基金,套头交易基金 hedge fund

平均股利基金 dividend equalization fund

库利基氏管 Coolidge tube

水利基础产业 basic industry of water conservancy对国民经济和社会发展具有承载作用的水利产业。

特别福利基金 special welfare fund

特种福利基金 special welfare fund

社区福利基金 community chest

福利基金 welfare fund; benefit fund

福利基金使用方案 welfare fund exploitation program

福利基金準备 benefit fund reserve

红利基金 bonus pool

考利基电子管 Coolidge tube

职工福利基金 employee benefit fund; employee welfare fund; welfare funds for workers and staff; workers and staff welfare fund; benefit fund for employees

职工福利基金準备 benefit fund reserve

股利基金 dividend fund

速利基金 go go fund; performance fund

