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[lì jiāo]

    abbr. for 立体交叉|立体交叉


    abbreviated,abbreviation 缩写


新公路上将没有十字路口,而代之以过街桥和立交桥。Cross-roads will not exist on these new highways, but will be replaced by bridges and flyovers.跨新港四号路立交桥设计。Design of grade separation bridge overcrossing xingang road no.通过拖动添加三维高架立交桥。Drag to add a3-d elevated flyover.放在sawtelle第405号高速公路立交桥下Just below the sawtelle-405freeway overpass-你看前面的立交桥。Would you have a look at the overpass in front of us.这个路口将修建一座立交桥。An overpass will be built at this junction.这是本月在此处立交发生的第三起严重的连环撞车事故。This is the third serious pile-up at the interchange this month.


上跨式立交 overpass

下穿式立交 underpass

互通式立交 interchange

互通式立交收费站 interchange toll station

公路铁路立交 highway-railway grade separation

分离式立交 grade separation without ramps又称"非互通式立交"。

半定向式立交 semi-directional interchange

半苜蓿叶形立交 partial clover-leaf interchange

喇叭形立交 trumpet interchange, 3-leg interchange

多层立交 multi-level interchange

定向式立交 directional interchange

港口立交桥 estuarial crossing

独立交会高程点 elevation point by independent intersection以多个已知高程点起算,用三角高程的测量方法独立测定高程的点。

独立交易差额 balance of autonomous transactions

独立交易帐户 autonomous account

环形立交 rotary interchange

苜蓿叶形立交 clover-leaf interchange

菱形立交 diamond interchange

