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jasmine [dʒæsmin]



他告诉我一个长的像多莉•帕顿的女人... Who said that somebody who iooked iike doiiy parton...他已兴玛莉亚订婚。He is affianced to maria.他最喜欢的歌手包括肖恩•科尔文,蓝色少女合”吕团和多莉•艾莫丝。Favourites include shawn colvin the indigo girls and tori amos.为什幺珍尼斯会恨莉贾娜呢?How could janis hate regina?下一位被害人是凯莉雷诺兹The next victim is carrie reynolds.亚当?娜塔莉的电话,一线Adam? Natalie's on line one.也许萨莉应该和马克一起来工作。Maybe sally should work with marc.伊莉莎伯遵从莎莉意愿未有到场Eiizabeth stayed away out of deference to her.中国罗莉高低杠赛独领风骚Chinese li luo heads list of successful candidates on uneven bars


二氢茉莉酮 dihydro jasmone

元春茉莉花茶 Yuan Chun scented jasmine tea

大花茉莉浸膏 Jasminum grandiflorum concrete

干茉莉花 dried jasmine flower

新洋茉莉醛 helional

春毫茉莉花茶 Chun Hao scented jasmine tea

檀香-茉莉-玫瑰-人参混合皂 sandalwood-jasmine-rose-ginseng assorted soap

洋茉莉醇 piperonyl alcohol

洋茉莉醛 heliotropin

特级茉莉花茶 superior jasmine tea

白茉莉 white jasmine

皂用百花茉莉香精 soap jasmin bouquet essence

皂用茉莉香精 soap jasmin essence

紫茉莉 common four-o''clock, Mirabilis jalapa L.又称"草茉莉"。

膏霜用茉莉香精 cream jasmin essence

茉莉 Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac L.) Ait.

茉莉乌龙茶 jasmine oolong tea

茉莉净油 absolute of jasmine

茉莉浸膏 concrete of jasmine jasmine concrete

茉莉花 jasmine flower

茉莉花束 jasmine bouquet

茉莉花油 jasmine oil

茉莉花茶 jasmine tea

茉莉花蜡 jasmine flower wax

茉莉银毫花茶 Mo Li Yin Hao jasmine tea

茉莉香水 jasmine perfume

茉莉香皂 jasmine soap

茉莉香精 jasmine perfume compound

