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蛎的英文翻译 蛎英文怎幺说 蛎的英文例句




oyster [ɔistә(r)]



他叉了一只洛克菲勒牡蛎。He speared an oyster rockefeller.它们会呆在那儿并逐渐长成小牡蛎。我们称之为种子或贝苗。There they remained and in time grew into baby oysters called seed or spat.我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算厨师的一点敬意。I can offer you some oyster soup compliments of the chef.我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算是厨师的一点敬意。I can offer you some free oyster soup compliments of the chef.我们在那能吃到牡蛎吗?Can we have oysters there?我想白葡萄或是麝香葡萄酒和您点的牡蛎会很相配。I think that a chablis or a muscatel would go very well with your oysters.我想我要点牡蛎。I think I'll take oyster.我要先吃牡蛎。I'll start with oysters.星期一有很多人来这里就是为了吃牛肉馅饼。或者,炖牡蛎怎幺样?Lots of people come in on mondays just to get our beef potpie. Or how about the oyster stew?在蛤或者牡蛎的壳里的圆滑的有光泽的结构;其价值相当于宝石。A smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel.这地方的牡蛎很可口。This place has delicious oysters.珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约。And by the depth temperature and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives.最好的东西是牡蛎。The best one is oyster.


欧洲牡蛎 flat oyster

牡蛎 oyster

牡蛎养殖法 n. method of oyster culture

牡蛎叉 oyster fork

牡蛎壳 oyster shell

牡蛎干 dried oyster

牡蛎礁 oyster reef

牡蛎肉 oyster meat

牡蛎苗 seed oyster

蛎壳状银屑病 psoriasis rupioides

采牡蛎小船 oyster canoe

金黄牡蛎 n. golden lip oyster

黑缘牡蛎 n. black lip oyster

