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    grain weight

grain [grein]


weight [weit]



在咖喱粉、姜和桂皮中拌一下,再烧两分钟。Stir in the curry powder ginger and cinnamon and cook for two minutes.这道咖喱菜肴需要再加一点调料。This curry needs a bit more spice.这酸橙咖喱菜非常辣。This lime curry is particularly hot.煮起来快速而方便的咖喱菜或炒杂碎。Instant curries or chop suey.难吃的冷的义大利麵食和咖喱食品。An unsavoury mixture of cold pasta and curry你的咖喱豆腐好了Your food is ready.your curry tofu.品尝味道刺激的酢浆草;辛辣的咖喱;燃烧的硫磺的刺鼻的气味。Tasting the pungent wood sorrel; pungent curry; a pungent smell of burning sulfur.任选两种咖喱蔬菜、印度优酪乳沙拉、烤米饭、甜品。印度茶或咖啡。Mulligatawny soup your choice of two vegetable dishes raita pilao dessert of the day tea or coffee.祝贺你咖喱明虾烧得好。Congratulations on your prawn curry.


剔骨咖喱鸡 deboned curry chicken

咖喱兔肉 curry rabbit meat

咖喱兔肉罐头 canned curry rabbit meat

咖喱排骨 curry pork chops

咖喱排骨罐头 canned curry pork chop

咖喱牛肉 curried beef curry beef fried beef curry

咖喱牛肉罐头 canned curry beef

咖喱牛脯 curry brisket

咖喱牛舌 curried ox tongue

咖喱猪肉 curry pork

咖喱羊肉 curry mutton

咖喱萝蔔条 turnip strip,curry

咖喱酱 curry paste

咖喱锅巴 curry rice crust

咖喱鱼片 curry fish fillet

咖喱鸡 curried chicken curry chicken

咖喱鸡罐头 canned curry chicken

咖喱鸭 curry duck

咖喱鸭罐头 canned curry duck

喱 grain

芸喱哪雪糕 vanilla ice cream

