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冷锋的英文翻译 冷锋英文怎幺说 冷锋的英文例句



[lěng fēng]

    cold front

cold [kәuld]

    n.寒冷,[物]零下温度,伤风,感冒 adj.寒冷的,使人战慄的,冷淡的,不热情的,失去知觉的

front [frʌnt]

    n.前面,开头,前线,(政治上的)阵线,态度,外表 vt.面对,朝向,对付 vi.朝向


然后来了一股迅速移动的冷锋。Then along comes a rapidly moving cold front.我听说冷锋会袭击我们的城镇。And I learn that cold front will hit our town.一股冷锋正从北方向这里移动。A cold front is moving in from the north.冷锋雨带中湿物理过程与非绝热锋生的相互作用Interaction of diabatic frontogenesis and moisture proces不是,那是冷锋来临的前兆No that the approach of a cold front.天气预报播报一股冷锋。The weather precast is for a cold front.预示暴风雪或雷暴的冷锋。A cold front along which squalls or thunderstorms are likely.斯内克河平原及爱达荷山脉中部上空冷锋的地形畸变。Topographic distortion of a cold front over the snake river plain and central idaho mountains.有一道冷锋在达科他上There's an occluded front stalled over the dakotas


冷锋 cold front冷空气前移取代暖空气位置时的锋。

冷锋云系 cold front cloud system与冷锋活动相伴随的云系。

副冷锋 secondary cold front冷锋后冷气团内部形成的锋。

干冷锋 dry cold front无或少)云、雨伴随的冷锋。

快行冷锋 rapidly moving cold front又称"第二型冷锋"。移动较快的冷锋。

慢行冷锋 slowly moving cold front又称"第一型冷锋"。 移动较慢的冷锋。

