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乐谱的英文翻译 乐谱英文怎幺说 乐谱的英文例句



[lè pǔ]

    a musical score
    sheet music

musical [mju:zik(ә)l]

    adj.音乐的,悦耳的 音乐喜剧

score [skɔ:(r)]

    n.得分,乐谱,抓痕,二十,终点线,刻痕,帐目,起跑线 vt.把...记下,刻划,划线,获得,评价 vi.记分,刻痕,得分

sheet [ʃi:t]


music [mju:zik]



罗斯科研究盈方一览表就象作曲家熟读乐谱。Roscoe can read a profit and loss statement the way a symphonist reads a score.你们有这东西的乐谱吗?Doyou have sheet music on this stuff?迄今为止人们发现的最早的中国乐谱是6世纪的一部古琴弦线乐谱。The earliest known musical notation from china is a tablature for zither from the6th century a.d.如果你打算学小提琴,我想我们就得给你买个乐谱架。If you're going to take up the violin I suppose we'll have to get you a music stand.如果你要开始学小提琴,我们必须为你弄来一个乐谱架。If you are going to take up the violin we'll have to get you a music stand.是由一个叫菲力士的人,在肉铺发现的?他们用乐谱来包肉。Were found by felix mendelssohn in a butcher's shop? They were wrapping meat with the sheet music.我过去…常拿她的活页乐谱玩I used to... play with her sheet music.我没有我的活页乐谱。I don't have my sheet music.兴隆木製品加工厂成立于1988年,是专业生产销售高档木制乐谱架及乐器盒类的私营企业。Xinlong wood work factory was found in1988.manufacture wooden music stand and music case.长笛独奏乐谱,带钢琴伴奏。Flute solo scores with piano obligato.


乐谱 musicbook

乐谱印刷用纸 music printing paper

乐谱架 music stand

乐谱盒 music case

乐谱石版印刷纸 music lithograph paper

乐谱纸 music paper

活页乐谱翻页器 turning apparatus for sheet music

