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    excuse me

excuse [ik'skju:z]

    vt.原谅,申辩,做为...的託辞,为...免去 n.饶恕,致歉,理由,口实,藉口,清借条,免去

me [mi:]



劳驾把它投在邮箱里。Please drop it into the mail-box.劳驾,您能告诉我在哪能买到邮票吗?Excuse me, can you tell where to get stamp?劳驾,能让我过去吗?Excuse me, can I get past, please?劳驾,来三杯黑啤酒。Three stouts, please.不必劳驾来拍我马屁。我可是个老资格,才不吃那一套哩。Don't bother buttering up to me. I'm too old a hand to be won over by flattery.a劳驾,这张漆器桌卖多少钱?A excuse me how much for the lacquer table?劳驾,冷冻食品在哪儿?Excuse me where is the frozen food?劳驾,请问去旋转餐厅怎幺走?Excuse me can you tell me the way to the westin bonaventure?劳驾,请问这儿有没有乳製品?Excuse me are there any dairy products here?劳驾,买两张一便士的邮票。Two one p stamps please.劳驾,我要一台日本产的3波段晶体管收音机。I want a japanese3-band transistor radio please.劳驾把附来的信转交给老李。Wonld you kindly send on the enclosed letter to lao li?劳驾记一下,我如今住在斯托克波特而不是住在伯明罕。For future reference I am living in stockport and not birmingham.劳驾您帮我拿一个靠垫和毯子。Excuse me could you bring a pillow and blanket please?

