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劳动密集型的英文翻译 劳动密集型英文怎幺说 劳动密集型的英文例句



[láodòng mìjí xíng]

    labor intensive

labor [leibә(r)]

    n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工,分娩,阵痛 vi.劳动,努力争取(for),苦干 vt.详细分析,麻烦

intensive [in'tensiv]

    adj.强烈的,精深的,透彻的,[语法]加强语气的 n.加强器


包括铁轨最长延伸的区段4的施工属于劳动密集型工作。Segment4 which encompasses the longest stretch of rail is a labor intensive effort.劳动密集型的工业企业要求20岁左右的人,但这些人已经走了。Labour-intensive industries prefer people in their late teens and early20s but they have gone.旅游业既是一个劳动密集型产业,又是一个发展巨大的服务业市场。Tourist industry is a labour-intensive industry as well as a large-scale service market.那质问是强烈的;重病特别护理;深入调查;劳动密集型工业。The questioning was intensive; intensive care; research-intensive; a labor-intensive industry.现在,当然,这一切都是劳动密集型漂亮。Now of course all of that is pretty labor intensive.在农业依然是劳动密集型的国家,妇女生产的粮食达到80%以上。In countries where agriculture is still labour-intensive women produce up to80percent of food.


劳动密集型企业 labour intensive enterprise

劳动密集型商品 labour intensive goods

劳动密集型工业 labor-intensive industry

劳动密集型工业产品 labor-intensive industrial product

劳动密集型方法 labor intensive method

劳动密集型生产 labour intensive production

劳动密集型的产品出口 export of labor-intensive products

劳动密集型项目 labor-intensive projects

