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老闆的英文翻译 老闆英文怎幺说 老闆的英文例句




    Robam (brand)

brand [brænd],牌子,烙印 vt.打火印,污辱


他们逼着老闆降价。They screw the shopkeeper down.他瞥见他的老闆走进了房间。He glimpsed that his boss came into the room.他是个苛刻的老闆。He is a severe boss.他向老闆告发了我,于是我就伺机向他报复,故意把他的午饭打翻在地。He reported me to the boss but I fixed his wagon. I knocked his lunch on the floor.她不知道她朋友会将一瓶液油扔向我老闆She didn't know her friend was gonna throw a vat of schmaltz on my boss.她从当铺老闆那赎回了她的戒指。She redeemed her ring from the pawnbroker.嘘!老闆来了!Sh! There comes the boss!也就是我老闆的侄子,自己也在店里当伙计。Her son my boss's nephew was working as a shopman in the shop.在那个好心肠的当铺老闆睡安稳以前,他们是不可能採取任何行动的。They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed.在这个公司的任何角落里,几乎都能发现老闆的身影,吸烟室是个例外。The boss can almost be found in every corner of his company smoking room is the exception.助手开始篡夺老闆的权力。The assistant began to usurp his boss's authority.


华尔街大老闆 wall streeter

小老闆 young master

工作的老闆 working boss

当铺主,当铺老闆 pawnbroker

拍卖行老闆 auctioneer master

码头老闆 wharfinger; wharfmaster

老闆 proprietor; boss shopkeeper

老闆娘 proprietress; shoopkeeper''s wife

老闆工头之所好 boss man''s demand

餐馆老闆 restauranteur; restaurateur

