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拦住的英文翻译 拦住英文怎幺说 拦住的英文例句




    to stop
    to bar the way

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒

bar [ba:(r)]

    n.条,棒(常用作栅栏,扣栓物),横木,酒吧间,栅,障碍物 vt.禁止,阻挡,妨碍,把门关住,除...之外

way [wei]

    n.路,路线,路途,习惯,行业,规模,道路,情形 adj.中途,途中的 adv.远远地,大大地,非常


律师在离开办公室时被记者拦住了。The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.没有什幺可以拦住吃个痛快。Nothing hindered me from eating heartily.它怎幺就败了呢?!?可憎的雪人从来不失败呀。谁能拦住那该死的男孩?How could he fail?!? The abominable snowman never fails.can nothing stop that cursed boy?在距边境几英里的地方我们被军队的检查站拦住了。A few miles before the border we were stopped at an army checkpoint.这个堤坝拦住了滔滔的洪水。Millions of gallon of water is kept back by the dam.他朝写字台飞奔而去,可是艾莱柯拦住他,把他拉回椅子上来。He was flying to the writing-desk but aleck stopped him and put him back in his chair.他以威胁的姿势拦住了我们。He blocked our way with a menacing attitude.他只有在令人十分难堪的情况下才能拦住她。He would need to interrupt under most trying circumstances.她没试着拦住她?为什幺?Shari didn't try to stop her? Why?我竭力为他挡驾,拦住那些锲而不捨的记者。I tried to shield him against prying journalists.左拉的射门被守门员拦住了。Zola's shot was blocked by the goalie.


用有刺铁网拦住的 under wire

被拦住的 pent up

