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浪费掉的英文翻译 浪费掉英文怎幺说 浪费掉的英文例句



[làngfèi diào]

    slattern;squander away;go to waste;squander;down the drain

squander [skwɔndә(r)]


away [ә'wei]


waste [weist]

    n.废物,浪费,损耗,消耗,地面风化物,垃圾,荒地 adj.废弃的,荒芜的,多余的 vt.浪费,消耗,使荒芜 vi.被浪费,挥霍钱财,变消瘦,被损耗

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


不要把大好时光浪费掉。Don't idle away your precious time.不要白白地浪费掉你的时间。Don't dawdle away your time.耗力分心的事会浪费掉你75%的精力。Up to75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are draining and distracting you.你不应该浪费掉这一机会。You shouldn't fling away a chance like that.你为什幺把时间白白浪费掉?Why did you chuck away your time?上街买东西太容易把一天里最好的时间给浪费掉了。It is all too easy to fritter away the best hours of the day shopping.这笔钱有白白被浪费掉的危险。There is a danger that the money will simply be wasted.大量的这种东西将被浪费掉。Gallons of the stuff are going to waste.碳氢化合物hc像一氧化碳一样,为未燃尽的和被浪费掉的燃料。Hydrocarbons hc like carbon monoxide represent unburned and wasted fuel.因为波浪阻力浪费掉了船在水面行驶的大量动力,从而限制了船的速度。Which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed.


一下子白白浪费掉了 be whisked out the window

将...浪费掉 lounge away; muddle away; trifle away

将浪费掉 dawdle away

弥补浪费掉的时间 tear off sleep

换回浪费掉的时间 tear off study

浪费掉 diddle away; footle away; threw away; thrown away

白白地被浪费掉 gone down the drain; went down the drain

被浪费掉 go to waste; goes to waste; gone to waste; ran to waste; run to waste; runs to waste; went to waste

