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烂醉如泥的英文翻译 烂醉如泥英文怎幺说 烂醉如泥的英文例句



[làn zuì rú ní]

    lit. as drunk as mud
    completely drunk



as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

drunk [drʌŋk]

    adj.喝醉了的 vbl.drink 的过去分词

mud [mʌd]

    n.泥,泥浆,泥泞;Multi-User Dungeons,多使用者网路游戏;Multi-User Domuins,多用户领域

completely [kәm'pli:tli]



你喝得烂醉如泥, 不能开车!You mustn't drive, you're too far gone!昨晚你烂醉如泥You were completely blotto last night.她大嚷大叫说他总是烂醉如泥。She yelled at him about his constant drunkenness.他在耶诞节聚会上烂醉如泥He got absolutely sozzled at the Christmas party.他整夜泡在酒吧里, 烂醉如泥。He'd been in the bar all night and was thoroughly intoxicated.我听不懂那个人在说些什幺,他烂醉如泥。I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord.到这时他已经烂醉如泥了。By this time, he was hope安德鲁回到家时烂醉如泥。Andrew came home blind drunk.喝了三杯威士卡之后,他烂醉如泥,路几乎都走不动了。After three whiskies he was so far-gone that he could hardly walk.你喝得烂醉如泥,不能开车!You mustn't drive you're too far gone!你那两个大学生可都是烂醉如泥啊Your pink college kids were both blotto.他才喝了两罐啤酒就烂醉如泥了。He got dead drunk on only two cans of beer.他在除夕晚会上喝得烂醉如泥。He was dead drunk in the new year eve party.约翰和平常一样烂醉如泥。John is as dirtily drunk as usual.


烂醉如泥 as drunk as a fiddler; as drunk as a fish; as drunk as a lord; as drunk as a owl; as drunk as a piper; as drunk as a sow; as tight as a drum

