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蓝领的英文翻译 蓝领英文怎幺说 蓝领的英文例句



[lán lǐng]

    blue collar
    common laborer

blue [blu:]

    n.蓝色 adj.蓝色的,忧郁的,沮丧的

collar [ˈkɒlər]

    n 1 band, upright or folded over, round the neck of a shirt, coat, dress, etc 衣领: turn one's collar up against the wind, ie to keep one's neck warm 竖起领子挡风 * grab sb by the collar 抓住某人的领子 * [attrib 作定语] What is your collar size? 你的衣领尺寸是多少? * a stiff collar, ie a starched detachable one, worn with a shirt 硬领(浆过的可卸下的领子). =>illus at jacket 见jacket之插图. 2 band of leather, metal, etc put round an animal's (esp a dog's) neck 戴在动物(尤指狗)颈部的项圈: Our dog has its name on its collar. 我们的狗的项圈上有它的名字. 3 metal band or ring joining two pipes, rods or shafts, esp in a machine (连接两条管、 杆或轴的)圈; 箍(尤指机器中的). 4 (idm 习语) hot under the collar => hot

common [kɔmәn]

    adj.共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的,庸俗的,伪劣的 n.[複][总]平民,公有,普通,共通

laborer [leibәrә(r)]



巴特厌倦了他的蓝领阶层工作。Bart is sick of his blue-collar job.白领与蓝领的区分。The division between white-collar and blue-collar workers.蓝领世界中的白领人White-collar man in a blue-collar world你愿意做蓝领工作吗?Are you willing to get a blue-collar job?他是一个印刷厂的蓝领He was a blue-collar worker in a printing press.我还是把自己当作一个蓝领工人。I still think of myself as a blue-collar worker.她是运动员代理人。蓝领,白领…She's a sports collar white collar...


蓝领工人 blue-collar worker

蓝领工人工会 blue-collar trade union

蓝领犯罪 blue-collar crimes

蓝领阶层的 blue collar

