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来信的英文翻译 来信英文怎幺说 来信的英文例句




    incoming letter
    send a letter here

incoming [inkʌmiŋ]


letter [letә(r)]

    n.文字,字母,信函,字面意义,铅字,(pl.)证书,(pl.)文学,学问 vt.用字母标明,在...上刻(或题)字 vi.写印刷体字母

send [send]


here [hiә(r)]

    adv.在这里,此时,这时,[宗]在尘世间 n.这里


莫德•冈内来信提出,他们给咱们爱尔兰首都招来耻辱,夜间应当禁止他们上奥康内尔大街去。Maud gonne's letter about taking them off o'connell street at night: disgrace to our irish capital.你的来信在上月29日收到。Your letter received on the29th ult.你方…月…日来信收悉,感谢你方将我公司介绍给…公司。We received your letter of... and are indebted to you for introducing to messrs...你走后请常来信。Please write often while you're away.请速来信订阅,新订户可免费获取画册一本。Write away now for the free album offered to every new subscriber.我把你的穆罕默德来信扔了I threw out your muhammad ali letter.我们收到大量的来信。People wrote to us in vast numbers.我收到她的字体很匀整的来信。I received a letter from her in her neat script.许多困惑的读者来信询问进一步的资讯。Lots of letters from perplexed readers asking for further information.演出后他收到大量的听众来信。He got a whole sackful of letters from listeners following the show.


人民来信 letters from the masses

人民来信来访接待处 reception office for letters from and visits by the masses

人民群众来信来访 letters the people send in and complaints they make when they call

告诉来信 complaint letter

处理人民来信 handling of letters from the people

外来资讯 extraneous information

大来信用卡 Diner''s Card

大来信用卡公司 Diner''s club Inc.

开出与开来信用证 letters of credit

往来信用 current account credit

接到...来信 hear from

来信来访 letters people send in and complaints they make when they call

