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    make a return journey

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回

journey [dʒә:ni]

    n.旅行,旅程 v.旅行


而那些环保主义者联合起来去抵御…And environmentalists chaining themselves to fences...嘉莉站起来去拿她的饭盒。Carrie got up and sought her lunch box.群集、成群;成群地来去To assemble or move in crowds.潮流来来去去,而唯一不变的是穿着它们的骨感美女。Styles come and go and the only constants are wafer-thin beauties who wear it.格筛用来去除大小不同的悬浮固体。Screening is employed for removal of suspended solids of various sizes.洪水在东部沿海地区各州来来去去、涨涨落落。Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the eastern seaboard.来来去去在…上来回移动;来回穿行To move to and fro over; cross and recross.他用超音波速度来去着Old saint nick appears to be traveling at supersonic speed.我从绿山下来去蓝湖。I come down the green mountain to the blue lake.我们的小记者来去匆匆,在探访时间可能拍下阁下的优美姿态。Our leapmates are busy-come-busy-go so they may have taken a snap shot on you.


出入自由、来去方便 be allowed to come and go freely and easily

来去图 from to chart

来去自由 freedom of job mobility

来去自由、提供优惠 encouraging free movement and providing preferential treatment

