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    pay a visit

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

visit [vizit]

    n.拜访,访问,游览,参观,(作客)逗留,视察,调查 vt.拜访,访问,参观,视察,降临 vi.访问,参观,闲谈


来访问多个资料库管理系统。Multiple database management systems using sql.首先,欢迎大家来访黑色工作室。First welcome everybody to come blackness workroom youth meshwork.所有来访者都应先到传达室登记。All visitors should report to the porter's lodge.通常情况下,美国人不会在轻鬆随意的气氛中通过长时间地闲谈来评估他们的来访者;Normally americans do not assess their visitors in relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talk;为来访者胡乱弄了点饭菜Scrabble up a meal for a visitor我的秘书接待来访者。My secretary deal with visitor.我们殷切地期待着他们来访。We is look forward to their visit with eager anticipation.这个小岛每年接待三到四十万的游客来访。Three to four hundred thousand tourists visit the islands annually.只是从今往后地球上再也不会有任何金星人来访了。Only now earth is never going to have another venusian visit us.


人民来信来访接待处 reception office for letters from and visits by the masses

人民来访 visits by the masses

人民群众来信来访 letters the people send in and complaints they make when they call

偶然来访 drift in

告诉来访 complaint visit; visit for complaint

来信来访 letters people send in and complaints they make when they call

来访 come to call; come to visit

来访投诉 complaint through personal visits; complaint from visitors

来访者 client

来访者中心疗法 client-centered therapy

顺便来访 drop in on; dropped in; dropped in on; dropped over

