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拉索的英文翻译 拉索英文怎幺说 拉索的英文例句



[lā suǒ]

    inhaul cable;travel cable;standing rope;guy cable;travel rope;guyrope;guy;drawrope;bracing cable

inhaul [inhɔ:l]


cable [keib(ә)l]

    n.电缆,海底电报,缆,索 v.打(海底)电报

travel [træv(ә)l]

    v.旅行,传播 vi.行进,传播 n.旅行

standing [stændiŋ]

    adj.直立的,停滞的,固定的,常备的,标準的,常设的 n.站立,身分,名望,持续 v.站

rope [rәup]

    n.绳,索,绳索 v.围起

guy [gai]

    n.家伙,人 Guy 盖伊(男子名)


同源四倍体库拉索芦荟的离体培养。In vitro culture of tetraploids of aloe vera l.遮荫对库拉索芦荟细胞超微结构和芦荟素含量的影响。Effects of shading on cellular ultrastructure and aloin content of aloe vera l.麦克劳斯基是索拉索的保镖Mccluskey has agreed to be the turk's bodyguard.在每一个倾斜索面内,拉索按以下的形式布置。In each sloping plane the stays take the following strand patten.总统今天要从萨拉索塔出发去安德鲁斯The president moving out of sarasota today up to andrews.


克拉索夫斯基椭球 Krasovsky ellipsoid克拉索夫斯基1940年提出的参考椭球,其长半径为6 378 245米,扁率为1/298.3。

吊杆拉索 boom support guy

坚琴形拉索 harp-type stay cable

布拉索範女式呢 brasovian

布拉索範女式呢 brasovian

库拉索酒 Curacao

库拉索委託证券 curacao depositary receipts

库拉考寄存单据,库拉索委託证券 Curacao Depositary Receipts CDR)

弗拉索夫方程 Vlasov equation

扇形拉索 fan-type stay cable

拉索 guy line

拉索塔 guyed tower

拉索塔平台 guyed-tower platform

拉索扒矿机 drag scraper

放鬆拉索激振 vibration excited by cutting off holding rope

锚定拉索 anchor cable; anchor rope; anchor stay

