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多数票的英文翻译 多数票英文怎幺说 多数票的英文例句



[duōshù piào]

    majority vote

majority [mә'dʒɔriti; (-) -'dʒɔ:r-]

    n.多数,大半 n.[律] 成年

vote [vәut]

    n.投票,选举,选票,选举权,表决,得票数 vi.投票,选举 vt.投票选举,投票决定,公认,建议,使投票


1983年选民选举保守党执政, 其票数超过了上届的多数票。The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983.政府没有获得(超过各党派票数的)总合多数票。The government does not have an overall majority, ie a majority over all other parties together.工党以微弱多数票在选举中获胜。Labour got in (ie won the election) with a small majority.理查和大卫极力想把问题列入议程, 但遭多数票否决Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能。Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide.议案获绝对多数票通过。The bill was passed by a clear (ie fairly large) majority.他以有所减少的多数票当选为议员。He was returned to Parliament with a decreased majority.4。如有超过2名候选人,但无一获得绝对多数票,则─4.where There are more than2candidates and no candidate receives an absolute majority of votes then-7。获得绝对多数票的候选人即告当选。7. A candidate who receives an absolute majority of votes is elected.获得简单多数票的候选人赢得席位。The candidate with a simple plurality win the seat.史密斯先生以20万张的多数票轻易当选了。Mr smith breezed in with an election plurality of2 00000.他们以压倒多数票反对这项提案。They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.


多数票 majority ballot; majority vote

多数票决 majority vote

相对多数票 plurality of votes; plurality votes

简单多数票 simple majority votes

