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躲避的英文翻译 躲避英文怎幺说 躲避的英文例句




    to hide
    to evade
    to dodge

hide [haid]

    n.兽皮,皮革 v.剥...的皮,痛打,隐藏,掩藏,隐瞒,掩饰

evade [i'veid]



它利用一片果树林躲避麻瓜的视线。It is hidden from the muggles by an orchard.它们为了躲避可怕的炎热、寒冷、乾燥、潮湿。In order to keep away from terrible heat cold dryness or wetness.我们坐在树荫下躲避夏天的热气。We sat in the shade of the tree to avoid the summer heat.一条湍急的河流佛勒革同河环绕四周,没有谁能指望逃出去,躲避惩罚。Surrounded by phlegethon the fiery river no criminal could ever hope to escape from its punishment.用来躲避敌人进攻掩蔽自己的一个个的土坑。A small pit for individual shelter against enemy fire.约拿却起来,逃往他施去躲避耶和华。But jonah ran away from the lord and headed for tarshish.这棵树保护农民躲避夏天的烈日。The tree shelters the farmers from the burning sun in summer.这个哨兵呆在他的哨亭里以躲避风寒。The sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold.这个训练主要是为了躲避障碍物The idea of an obstacle course is to avoid the obstacles.这张照片描绘了在义大利首都罗马的天空上演的一场追逐战,一大群八哥正在躲避一只游隼的追逐。This image of a swirling flock of starlings evading a peregrine falcon in rome italy.注意躲避讨厌的看门狗。To avoid the irritating watchdog.


寻觅躲避之地 seek from

紧急躲避处 emergency retreat

躲避 took shelter

躲避之计 refuge

躲避干扰反应 jamming avoidance response

躲避法律 evade the law

躲避硐 manhole, refuge pocket在巷道一侧专为人员躲避行车或爆破作业危害而开凿的硐室。

