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[duō lì]

    Dolly the sheep

dolly [dɔli]

    n. 洋娃娃,捣棒 vi.推移动车 vt.捣碎

sheep [ʃi:p]



我告诉过你维多利亚怀孕了吗?Did I tell you victoria phyfe is pregnant?.我们从维多利亚车站离开的。We left from victoria station.我们去维多利亚瀑布的旅行是一次极不寻常的度假Our trip to victoria falls was the holiday of a life-time.我们营中有两人获得维多利亚英勇勋章。There were two v.c.'s in our battalion.我们正在置办维多利亚的嫁妆We are buying victoria's trousseau.我有跟你说维多利亚怀孕了吗Did l tell you victoria phyfe is pregnant?我照的一张维多利亚港的照片,在比赛中得了第二名。A photograph I took of vitoria harbor won second prize in a contest.夏洛蒂•勃朗特是英国维多利亚时期一位伟大的女作家。Charlotte bronte was a great british woman novelist in victorian age.一家充斥着维多利亚时代破烂旧货的古玩店。Antique shops full of victorian tat.由维多利亚女王献给她亲爱的丈夫的。Dedicated by queen victoria to her beloved consort.游行路线是由维多利亚公园至中区政府合署。The march route is from victoria park to the central government offices.又来了。又要说维多利亚十字勋章了Here it comes.the victoria cross bit again.


普里多利世 Pridolian Epoch

普里多利统 Pridolian Series

维多利亚双重斜纹呢 victoria

维多利亚双重斜纹呢 victoria

维多利亚牌手錶 Victoria

维多利亚牌手錶 Victoria

维多利亚牌汽车 Victoria

维多利亚牌汽车 Victoria

维多利亚细布 Victoria lawn

维多利亚细布 Victoria lawn

维多利亚绉布 Victoria crepe

维多利亚绉布 Victoria crepe

维多利亚绸 victoria

维多利亚绸 victoria

维多利亚蓝 Victoria blue

