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helm [helm]


rudder [rʌdә(r)]



一二操舵、起锚及系船设备。12. Steering anchoring and mooring equipment;用篙竿当舵。Using the pole as a rudder.在大船进港的整个过程中,高个子约翰一直站在舵手旁指点。All the way in long john stood by the steersman and conned the ship.这均适用于左舵和右舵驾驶的车辆。This applies to left and right-hand drive vehicles.这首船显然是有掌舵的麻烦。The ship apparently has steering problems.这条船容易操舵。The ship went with easy steerage.撞击时的舵角;Rudder angle at t ime of failure;总统是国家之舟的舵手。The president is at the helm of the ship of state.


上舵承 rudder carrier

上舵杆 n. rudder stock

上舵销 top pintle

上风舵 n. lee helm

下舵承 neck bearing

下舵枢 n. heel gudgeon

下风满舵 hard a-lee; hard down

下风舵 helm alee

不平衡舵 unbalanced rudder

中舵 certerline rudder

串联舵 n. tandem rudder

临时舵 n. jury rudder

临界舵角 stalling rudder angle

主动舵 active rudder

主动舵电力推进装置 active rudder electric propulsion plant

主动舵电动机 active rudder motor

主操舵装置 main steering gear

主操舵部位 principal steering station

主方向舵 n. main rudder

主舵 n. main rudder

人力应急操舵试验 manual emergency steering test

人力操舵装置 manual steering gear

人力液压操舵装置 handhydraulic steering gear

伺服舵 servo rudder; servorudder

低速舵效试验 rudder effectiveness test in low speed

俯冲方向舵 n. diving rudder

倒车舵 flanking rudder

倒车舵船 backing rudder ship

全回转舵桨拖轮 harbour tug with rudder propeller

全平衡舵 n. full balanced rudder

