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    to crouch
    to squat

crouch [krautʃ]


squat [skwɔt]

    v.蹲坐,蹲伏 n.蹲坐 adj.蹲着的


实际上,今天晚上我要去蹲坑。Actually l'm on stake-out tonight.水壶百无聊赖地蹲在那儿,噘着嘴。It sat there dull and squat its spout stuck out.他蹲过哥伦比亚和安哥拉的监狱He did a term in soledad and a trm in angola我向外院跑去,小猫在影壁前的花盆旁蹲着呢。I run to the outer yard and see the kitten crouching by a plant pot in front of the screen wall.野人们围火蹲着。The savages squat around the fire.在每一平方码的地方上,都曾有过一群群捡剩麦穗的人,在太阳地里蹲踞着。Groups of gleaners had squatted in the sun on every square yard.在这练习中,你需要蹲下然后慢慢站起。For this exercise you need to get into a squat and then raise yourself slowly.


上蹲式导弹发射装置 top loading launcher

沖水式蹲式便盆 flushing squatting pan

带水箱蹲厕 squatting pan with cistern

蹲 squat

蹲下 squatting

蹲下身 crouch down

蹲便器 pan

蹲式便器 eastern type toilet,squat-across type water closet

蹲苗 hardening of seedling

长方型蹲式便盆 rectangular squat pan

