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独立核算的英文翻译 独立核算英文怎幺说 独立核算的英文例句




    independent accounting

independent [indi'pendәnt]

    n.中立派,无党派者 adj.独立自主的,不受约束的

accounting [ә'kauntiŋ]




公平独立核算交易 arm''s-length dealing; arm''s-length transaction

公平独立核算基準 arm''s length basis

公平独立核算定价 arm''s-length pricing

公平独立核算标準 arm''s-length standard

国有独立核算工业企业 state-owned, economically independent industrial enterprises

独立核算 keep separate accounts

独立核算、国家徵税、自负盈亏 conduct business accounting independently, paying taxes to the state and assuming sole responsibility for profits and losses

独立核算单位 independent accounting unit

独立核算的工业企业 economically independent industrial enterprise; industrial enterprises subject to independent accounting

独立核算责任 own profit and loss responsibility

独立经营、独立核算 independent operation and business accounting; independent management and accounting

联合起来、统一对外成交、独立核算、分头交货 participating domestic units join forces and conclude external transactions as a unit,but each has its ownbusiness accounting and delivers goods its own way

非公平独立核算的分摊 nonarm''s length allocations

非独立核算单位 nonindependent accounting unit

非独立核算工业企业 economically dependent industrial enterprises

预算内独立核算的工业企业固定资产原值 value of the fixed assets of industrial enterprises doing independent business accounting

