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对不对的英文翻译 对不对英文怎幺说 对不对的英文例句



[duìbù duì]

    right or wrong?
    Is it right?
    OK, yes? (colloquial)

right [rait]

    n.正义,公正,正确,权利,右边,右派 adj.正当的,正确的,对的,合适的,恰当的,健康的,健全的,正面的 adv.正当地,正确地,一直地,直接地,完全地,彻底地,在右边

is [iz]

    prep.是 [域] Iceland ,冰岛 [军] Internal Security,治安

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术

ok [әu'kei]

    adj.好,对,行 adv.好,对,可以 n.同意

colloquial [kә'lәukwiәl]



他有点性感,对不对?He's a bit dishy isn't he?她既然是成年人了,对不对她自己该知道,不能由我替她说。A woman of full age it was a question of her own conscience-not for me.“而且我总是拥护你的,不管你对不对。”Likewise wot I'll stand by you right or wrong. "“热的厉害,对不对?”"Powerful warm warn't it?"“喂,嘉莉,“看到一个女孩的倩影活泼地向他走来,他喊了起来,”平安无事,对不对?"Hello carrie" he said as a sprightly figure of a girl drew near him. "Got here safe did you?对不对啊,小猫咪?What are you a little puss?卡车里的家伙是克姆肖,对不对?The guy in the truck was scrimshaw right?你看这样说起来多顺呐,对不对。You go no go! If you no go I go.你是苏珊娜,对不对?You're susanna right?扰乱公安,非法敛财,对不对?Disturbing the peace and profiteering.徒劳地在搜索,对不对?It feels like a wild-goose chase doesn't it?我是不是一直对你说过,你的思维需要更开阔一些,对不对?I've always said you need to be more openminded right?这句不知道这样理解对不对:在那期间,该机构退休金计画的破产达到了创记录的水準。Sp-r: during that period the agency had to deal with a record level of pension plan failures.


不管对不对 right or wrong

