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兑付的英文翻译 兑付英文怎幺说 兑付的英文例句




    to cash (a check)

cash [kæʃ]

    n.现金 vt.兑现

check [tʃek]

    n.阻止,制止,控制,阻止物,支票,检讫的记号,饭馆的帐单 vt.检查,制止,核对,寄存,托运 vi.证明无误,核对无误,逐项相符,[象棋]将军


本支票可兑付给持票人This cheque is payable to the bearer, ie to the person who presents it at a bank.银行会将你的五美元支票兑付现金。The bank will cash you five-dollar check.我持有一张由你兑付的汇票。I'm the bearer of a bill of exchange drawn on you.在何种情况下,保兑银行可以免除保兑付款责任?Under what conditions a confirming bank may discharge its payment obligations?我们无力兑付这些汇票。We'll be unable to meet these draft.


一次兑付的方法 lump-sum basis

与本联汇票相同期限及日期的第一联尚未兑付 first of same tenor and date being unpaid

兑付 honor

兑付礼券 gift coupons cashing

可提前兑付债券 callable bond

承兑付款 payment by acceptance

承兑付款后交付货运单据,承兑后…交付货运单据 delivery of documents against acceptance; delivery of documents against payment

拒绝兑付汇票 dishonour a bill

拒绝承兑,拒绝兑付 dishonor; nonacceptance; unpaid

无法兑付的支票 uncollectible check

挽救信誉承兑付款 payment for honor

未兑付支票 outstanding check; unpaid check

次副本未兑付 second unpaid

正本尚未兑付 first unpaid

汇款兑付通知书 advice of drafts

相同期限及日期的第一联尚未兑付 first of same tenor and date being unpaid

硬币兑付 specie payment

硬币兑付 specie payment

见通知即兑付 callable

负责兑付票据 back a bill

须正本尚未兑付 first unpaid

