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独处的英文翻译 独处英文怎幺说 独处的英文例句




    to live alone

live [laiv]

    adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的,点燃的 vi.活着,生活,居住,流在人们记忆中 vt.过着,度过,经历 adv.以实况地

alone [ә'lәun]

    adj.单独的,独一无二的,孤独的,独自的 adv.独自地


他认为一人独处最美。Being alone is his idea of paradise.隐士逃遁离开这个世界而居住于偏僻之地且常常是独处的人A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.品德就是自我在暗地里独处时的样子。Character is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in the dark.禁欲主义的圣徒和超然独处的贤哲在这方面算不上完整的人。The ascetic saint and the detached sage fail in this respect to be complete human beings.抽出单元将被单独处理。Withdrawable unit shall be deal with individually.患有忧郁症的人一般喜欢独处。People suffering from melancholia generally like to be alone.凯尔喜欢独处不受打扰And kyle likes his privacy.我们应该抽时间独处、分清轻重缓急,并细思量。We should take time to be alone to prioritize and meditate.隐居的想要或愿意隐居或独处的。Seeking or preferring seclusionor isolation.有时我只是渴望一人独处。Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.

