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赌博的英文翻译 赌博英文怎幺说 赌博的英文例句




    to gamble

gamble [gæmb(ә)l]

    n.冒险 v.赌博,投机,孤注一掷


他的儿子变得有些像一个喝酒赌博、挥霍家当的浪蕩子。His son turned to be a bit of a wastrel who drank and gambled away the family fortune.他是赌博的奴隶。He is a thrall of gambling.他在赌博中浪费了时间和金钱。He squandered his time and money in gambling.他在赌博中浪费了他的时间和金钱。He squander his time and money in gambling.我从足球比赛赌博中发了一笔横财。I had a windfall from the football pools.我们主要的战斗方式是赌博Their main mode of combat was parlay.现在参与足球赌博也已成为国民的消遣。Doing the" football pools" has become a national pastime.许多人染上了赌博的恶习,愈陷愈深,不能自拔,于是向高利贷者借钱还债。Many took to gambling and got in over their heads borrowing from shylock to pay their debts.由英王委派的赌博调查团。A royal commission on betting and gambling这条法律意外通过,顿时使线上赌博业陷入一片混乱。The surprise passage of the law threw the online gambling industry into a tailspin.最终,这个迷人的赌博把他牢牢地拴住了。At last the fascinating game took a strong hold on him.


冒险赌博 go for the gloves; gone for the gloves

变相赌博 disguised gambling

对赌博的课税 taxing of gambling

查禁赌博嫖娼 ban gambling and prostitution

聚众赌博 organize gambling parties

赌博 gamble; gaming

赌博合同 gaming contract; wagering contract

赌博条例 gambling act

赌博案 gambling case

赌博法 gaming act

赌博税 gaming duties; betting duties; pool betting duty; tax on pari-mutuels

赌博罪 crime of gambling; gambling

进行输赢很大的赌博 play high

