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短线的英文翻译 短线英文怎幺说 短线的英文例句




    short term

short [ʃɔ:t]

    n.简略,短路,短裤 adj.短的,矮的,不足的,不够的,(智力等)弱的,浅薄的,鬆脆的,简短 adv.突然,缺乏,不足

term [tә:m]



在你画短线的地方加上了空格。The space is added where you draw the short line.字母弯曲之处字母上的曲线或带角度的短线A short angled or curved line on a letter.带三根短线的多短线调谐器。Multistub tuner with three stubs.短线计画则比较重实际。The short streams are more practically oriented.经常跳空高开形成上攻缺口,且短线不予回补。Regular diaokonggaokai formed computed gap and not closing out short-term.绳屑用于使面变得粗糙而加入帆布中的短线头Short bits of rope yarn inserted into canvas to roughen the surface.在每帖的帖脊印上称为帖标的黑色方块或粗黑短线。The spine of each section is printed with a rectangle or short thick rule called collation mark.昨天英镑大幅造好,早前的短线淡仓亦已蚀65点子Gbp performed well and triggered the stop loss of our earlier short position.


做短线者 day trader

内部人员短线交易,内线短线交易 insider short-swing trading

双短线调谐器 double-stub tuner

座标网延伸短线 grid ticks; numbered tick

投影格网延伸短线 projection tick

拉长短线 expand the underdeveloped industries

按短线平衡 balance based on a shortage of products

短线 short line

短线交易 short-swing trading

短线产品 undersupplied products; goods in short supply; goods in great demand; deficient products

短线圈测试仪 n. growler

短线支撑的 stub mounted; stub supported

短线部门的企业 enterprises in underdeveloped industries

短线 short-term projects

经纬网延伸短线 graticule ticks

