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中断点的英文翻译 中断点英文怎幺说 中断点的英文例句



[duàn diǎn]

    breakpoint;break point;halt point;point of discontinuity;breaking point



break [breik]

    n.休息,暂停,破裂,突变 v.打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变

point [pɔint]

    n.点,尖端,分数,要点,分数 vt.弄尖,指向,指出,瞄準,加标点于 vi.指,指向,表明

halt [hɔ:lt]

    n.停止,暂停,中断 vt.使停止,使立定 vi.立定,停止,踌躇,有缺点


红点表示一个中断点。The red dot represents a breakpoint.间断面船甲板的两层之间的中中断点The point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship.命中函数中的中断点。A breakpoint in the function is hit.无法设置指定的中断点。The specified breakpoint cannot be set.用伏特表测量红色接头处的熔断点火装置开关输出电路。Using a voltmeter measure fused ign sw output ckt at the red conn.在实例上设置中断点时出错。Error when setting breakpoint on instance.这个中断点在左边的灰色区域看上去像一个蓝点。The breakpoint will appear as a blue dot in the grey area on the left.执行在中断点处停止。Execution stops at the breakpoint.陆地棉第12染色体易位中断点的图谱定位Mapping of translocation breakpoints on chromosome12of upland cotton cossypium hirsutum l.最好是代理代码中已经设置了中断点。It is a good idea to already have your break point set in the agent code.


中中断点 breakout point

单中断点触头组 singlebreak contact assembly

双中断点触头组 doublebreak contact assembly

中断点 break point

中断点开关 breakpoint switch

中断点操作 breakpoint operation

条件中断点 conditional breakpoint

条件中断点令 conditional breakpoint instruction

条件中断点指令 conditional breakpoint instruction

间断点 discontinuity point; point discontinuity

间断点焊 n. interrupted spot welding

