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satin [sætin; (-) 'sætn]

    n.缎子,假缎,缎纹 adj.绸缎做的,缎子一般的,光滑(似缎)的


图10表示贡缎里和麵的多次内反射光谱。In fig10are shown the mir spectra of the back and face of a sateen fabric.砑光纸;用有光泽的棉缎製成的裙子。Calendered paper; a dress of glossy sateen.洋缎面子,实心骨子,晴天,落雨,耐用好看!Foreign satin cloth solid ribs. It's durable and handsome for rainy days or clear.有人能帮她整理一下缎带吗?Can someone fix mer ribbon?在你的床或椅子上方的天花板上用图钉钉上一根较长的缎带。Use a thumb-tack to attach a length of ribbon to the ceiling over your bed or chair.珍妮特买了两整套缎子内衣裤。Janet bought two complete sets of satin underclothes.做装饰用的窄的z字形的缎带。A narrow zigzag ribbon used as trimming.


万寿缎 Wan Shou satin brocade

万霞缎 Wan Xia satin brocade

三梳栉经缎织物 lined satin

东南亚金银线花缎 kinkale

东方缎 oriental satin satin oriental

丝棉交织缎 silk and cotton mixed brocade silk-cotton mixed brocade

丝棉交织缎 satin cuttanee

丝毛交织缎 satin cafard satin de bruge

丝硬缎 duchesse satin

丝织衬缎 satin grec

丝经棉纬缎纹布 bruges

丝绒花缎 jardiniere velvet velvet satin

丝缎 shusu

丝缎 shusu

丝罗缎 bengaline de soie silk cord

丝羽缎 silk camlet

丝表棉背缎纹织物 cottonee

丝表棉背缎纹织物 cottonee

丝锦缎 silk damask

中国丝缎带 China ribbon

中国绣花缎带 China ribbon embroidery

中国绸缎 China silk

丰绉缎 feng crepe satin

丹麦缎纹呢 Denmark satin

主教黑缎袍 chimere

乔其缎 georgette satin brocade

九霞织锦缎 jiu xia satin brocade

九霞缎 jiu xia satin kiu yar brocade

五枚花缎 single damask

五棕经缎床单布 sateen ticking

