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独力的英文翻译 独力英文怎幺说 独力的英文例句



[dú lì]

    all by oneself
    without exterior help

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

oneself [wʌn'self]


without [wi'ðaut]

    prep.没有,不,(表条件)如果没有,要没有 adv.在外,在屋外

exterior [ek'stiәriә(r)]

    adj.外部的,外在的,表面的,外交的,[建](适合)外用的 n.外部,表面,外型

help [help]

    n.帮忙,补救办法,助手,治疗,佣工 vt.帮助,助长,接济,治疗,款待 vi.有用,救命,招待 [计] 显示命令格式的简短概述


她独力养家。She raised her family quite alone.我愿意独力做这件事。I prefer to work on it alone.你独自一人在教室里多长时间了?(b) without help 独力; 靠自己How long were you by yourself in the classroom?约翰设法独力修理自己的汽车。John managed to repair his car by himself.她不得不认命,独力抚养她的婴儿。She had to resign herself to bringing up her baby alone.她不能够独力活动。She could not move unassisted.她除了独力照料七个子女,还要每週做六个晚上的工作,这些使她筋疲力尽。Her job six nights a week on top of caring single-handed for seven children left her exhausted.约翰辞掉工作去做旅行推销员,独力闯新路。John quit his job and struck out on his own as a traveling salesman.在她丈夫过早去世之后,她便独力维持全家的生活。After her husband's early death she supported her family single-handed.作一个单身家长(:指因丧偶、异或未婚先有子而不得不独力抚养孩子)非常艰难的。It's very tough going being a single parent.


独力 all by; all by himself

独力地 all by herself; by himself; by myself; by ourselves; by yourself; by yourselves

独力改进现状 pull herself up by the bootstraps

独力获得成功 pull herself up by the bootstraps

